A Step-by-Step Action Plan for Becoming a Great Leader

This blog is based on my understanding and insights from “Developing the Leader Within You 2.0,” “Switch,” and “Grit”


Leadership is a critical skill in today’s business world, and it’s something that can be developed with the right mindset and approach. In this blog, we’ll explore insights from three highly acclaimed books on leadership – “Developing the Leader Within You 2.0,” “Switch,” and “Grit” – and provide you with a step-by-step action plan for becoming a great leader. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear roadmap to help you develop your leadership skills and become the best leader you can be.

Step 1: Develop a Growth Mindset

The first step to becoming a great leader is to develop a growth mindset. In “Developing the Leader Within You 2.0,” John C. Maxwell stresses the importance of having a positive attitude towards growth and development. This means being open to feedback, willing to learn from mistakes, and always looking for opportunities to improve. A growth mindset enables you to approach challenges with a can-do attitude, rather than seeing them as obstacles.

Example: You can develop a growth mindset by starting to view every situation as an opportunity to learn and grow. For instance, if you make a mistake, instead of dwelling on it, try to understand what went wrong and what you can do differently in the future.

Step 2: Identify and Work on Your Weaknesses

Once you have a growth mindset, it’s time to identify and work on your weaknesses. In “Grit,” Angela Duckworth emphasizes the importance of deliberate practice to develop skills and overcome weaknesses. To become a great leader, you need to be aware of your areas of weakness and take steps to improve them.

Example: If you struggle with public speaking, you could start by taking a public speaking course or practicing in front of a small group of colleagues. Over time, with deliberate practice, you can improve your skills and become more confident in front of larger groups.

Step 3: Understand the Psychology of Change

Change is an essential part of leadership, and understanding the psychology of change is critical to becoming a great leader. In “Switch,” Chip and Dan Heath explain how to overcome resistance to change by appealing to both the emotional and rational sides of the brain. To be an effective leader, you need to be able to communicate a compelling vision and motivate your team to adopt new behaviors.

Example: If you want your team to adopt a new way of working, you could communicate a clear and compelling vision of how this change will benefit them, such as making their work more efficient and effective. You could also tap into their emotions by highlighting the positive impact this change will have on the organization and its customers.

Step 4: Build Relationships and Collaboration

Leadership is not just about managing people; it’s about building relationships and fostering collaboration. In “Developing the Leader Within You 2.0,” John C. Maxwell stresses the importance of building strong relationships with your team, colleagues, and stakeholders. This means listening actively, providing feedback, and being open to other perspectives.

Example: You could build relationships with your team by scheduling regular one-on-one meetings, asking for their input on decisions, and recognizing their contributions. You could also foster collaboration by encouraging teamwork, facilitating brainstorming sessions, and promoting open communication.

Step 5: Persistence and Grit

Finally, becoming a great leader requires persistence and grit. In “Grit,” Angela Duckworth explains how perseverance and passion for long-term goals are the keys to achieving success. As a leader, you need to be able to weather setbacks, stay focused on your goals, and inspire others to do the same

Example: If you encounter a setback or failure, instead of giving up, you could view it as an opportunity to learn and grow. You could also encourage your team to adopt a similar attitude by highlighting the lessons learned from the setback and discussing how you can use them to improve.


Becoming a great leader is a journey, and it requires a combination of mindset, skills, and behaviors. By following the step-by-step action plan outlined in this article, you can develop your leadership skills and become the best leader you can be. Remember to focus on developing a growth mindset, identifying and working on your weaknesses, understanding the psychology of change, building relationships and collaboration, and cultivating persistence and grit. With these insights from “Developing the Leader Within You 2.0,” “Switch,” and “Grit,” you can set yourself up for success as a leader in any organization.

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