Kepner and Tregoe Situation Appraisal


The Kepner and Tregoe problem-solving method is a powerful tool that helps individuals and organizations to identify, analyze, and solve complex problems. One of the critical steps in this method is the situation appraisal, which involves gathering and organizing information about a particular situation to gain a comprehensive understanding of it. In this blog, we will provide a step-by-step guide to the Kepner and Tregoe situation appraisal and provide a detailed example of how it works.

What is Kepner and Tregoe Situation Appraisal?

Situation appraisal is a critical step in the Kepner and Tregoe problem-solving method that involves gathering and organizing information about a particular situation. This step is essential because it helps to identify the key factors that contribute to the problem and to develop a comprehensive understanding of the situation. The situation appraisal step provides a structured approach to gathering information, organizing it, and analyzing it to make informed decisions.

Step-by-Step Guide to Kepner and Tregoe Situation Appraisal:

  1. Define the Situation: The first step in situation appraisal is to define the situation clearly and objectively. This includes identifying the problem, the symptoms of the problem, and any constraints or limitations that may affect the situation.
  2. Gather Data: The next step is to gather data about the situation. This involves collecting relevant information from various sources, including interviews, surveys, reports, and other documents.
  3. Organize Data: Once the data is collected, it needs to be organized in a structured manner. This involves categorizing the data based on the key factors that contribute to the problem.
  4. Analyze Data: After the data is organized, the next step is to analyze it to identify the critical factors that contribute to the problem. This involves examining the data to determine patterns, trends, and relationships between different factors.
  5. Prioritize Factors: Once the critical factors are identified, the next step is to prioritize them based on their importance and impact on the situation.
  6. Identify Alternatives: Based on the analysis, potential alternatives or solutions to the problem are identified. These solutions should be evaluated based on their feasibility, effectiveness, and potential consequences.
  7. Develop Action Plan: Once the solutions are identified and evaluated, an action plan is developed to implement the best solution.

Example of Kepner and Tregoe Situation Appraisal in Action:

A financial services company is experiencing a decline in customer satisfaction levels. Using the Kepner and Tregoe situation appraisal, the situation is defined as a decline in customer satisfaction levels by 15% in the last quarter. Data is gathered from customer feedback surveys, interviews with customer service representatives, and reports on customer complaints. The data is organized into categories such as customer service, product offerings, and pricing. The analysis reveals that the primary factors contributing to the decline in customer satisfaction are long wait times on the phone, insufficient product knowledge among customer service representatives, and high fees. The factors are prioritized based on their impact, and potential solutions are identified, such as hiring more customer service representatives, providing additional training to representatives, and revising the fee structure. The solutions are evaluated based on feasibility, effectiveness, and potential consequences. An action plan is developed to implement the best solution, which involves hiring more customer service representatives and providing additional training. After implementation, the customer satisfaction levels improve, and the solution is deemed effective.


Kepner and Tregoe situation appraisal is a critical step in the problem-solving process that helps to identify the key factors contributing to the problem and develop a comprehensive understanding of the situation. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this blog, individuals and organizations can gather and organizations can effectively gather and organize information, analyze it, and develop effective solutions to complex problems. By using this method, individuals and organizations can make informed decisions, prioritize factors, and develop effective action plans.

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