Optimize Your Infra with Capacity Planning Using vRO


Capacity planning is an essential task for any IT professional responsible for managing a virtualized infrastructure. It involves forecasting future resource requirements and making informed decisions about infrastructure investments. VMware vRealize Operations Manager is a powerful monitoring and analytics platform that enables IT professionals to proactively manage and optimize their virtualized infrastructure. In this blog post, we will explore how to use vRealize Operations Manager for capacity planning and optimization.

Overview of Capacity Planning with vRealize Operations Manager:

vRealize Operations Manager provides comprehensive insights into resource utilization, enabling IT professionals to forecast future resource requirements and plan infrastructure investments accordingly. It uses analytics and machine learning to provide predictive analytics, identifying potential issues and providing recommendations for optimization.

Steps for Capacity Planning with vRealize Operations Manager:

  1. Define Capacity Requirements: The first step in capacity planning is to define capacity requirements. This involves understanding the current resource utilization and forecasting future resource requirements based on business needs.
  2. Monitor Resource Utilization: vRealize Operations Manager provides a comprehensive view of the virtualized infrastructure, including physical hosts, virtual machines, storage, and network. It monitors resource utilization and provides insights into current resource utilization trends.
  3. Analyze Resource Utilization: vRealize Operations Manager uses analytics and machine learning to analyze resource utilization trends and provide insights into potential issues. It provides recommendations for optimization, such as rightsizing virtual machines or consolidating workloads.
  4. Plan Infrastructure Investments: Based on the insights provided by vRealize Operations Manager, IT professionals can make informed decisions about infrastructure investments. This involves determining the most cost-effective way to meet future resource requirements.
  5. Continuously Monitor and Optimize: Capacity planning is an ongoing process. IT professionals should continuously monitor resource utilization and optimize infrastructure to ensure it meets business needs.

Benefits of Capacity Planning with vRealize Operations Manager:

  1. Improved Performance: Capacity planning enables IT professionals to ensure infrastructure resources are available when needed, avoiding performance bottlenecks.
  2. Cost Savings: Capacity planning enables IT professionals to make informed decisions about infrastructure investments, reducing unnecessary costs.
  3. Compliance: Capacity planning ensures infrastructure meets compliance requirements by ensuring resources are available when needed.


Capacity planning is an essential task for any IT professional responsible for managing a virtualized infrastructure. VMware vRealize Operations Manager provides a comprehensive view of the virtualized infrastructure, enabling IT professionals to forecast future resource requirements and make informed decisions about infrastructure investments. By leveraging vRealize Operations Manager for capacity planning, IT professionals can improve infrastructure performance, reduce infrastructure costs, and ensure compliance with industry standards.

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