Verify network connectivity between Data nodes and Witness

To verify network connectivity, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Verify the IP address of the vSAN Witness appliance

The first step is to verify the IP address of the vSAN Witness appliance. You can do this by logging in to the vSphere Client and navigating to the vSAN Witness appliance virtual machine. Check the IP address configured for the vSAN Witness appliance.

To verify the IP address of the vSAN Witness appliance, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to the vSphere Client

Log in to the vSphere Client using your vCenter Server credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to the vSAN Witness appliance virtual machine

Navigate to the vSAN Witness appliance virtual machine. You can do this by clicking on the “VMs and Templates” tab in the left-hand pane of the vSphere Client and then selecting the vSAN Witness appliance virtual machine.

Step 3: Check the IP address configured for the vSAN Witness appliance

Click on the vSAN Witness appliance virtual machine to select it, and then click on the “Summary” tab in the right-hand pane of the vSphere Client. Look for the “IPv4 Address” field to see the IP address configured for the vSAN Witness appliance.

Step 4: Verify the IP address

Verify that the IP address configured for the vSAN Witness appliance is correct. If the IP address is incorrect, you can change it by editing the virtual machine settings and updating the network adapter settings.

Command Line approach

Step 1: Open an SSH session to the vSAN Witness appliance

Connect to the vSAN Witness appliance using an SSH client, such as PuTTY.

Step 2: Run the following command

# esxcfg-vmknic -l

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It will list out the vmkernels and associated port groups and IP address.

# esxcli vsan network list

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The vmkernel interfaces used in the vSAN setup will be listed by the “esxcli vsan network list” command. The majority of the time, two vmkernels with Traffic Type as witness and the other being vsan are mentioned on Datanodes. We’ll use vmk0 in this instance because it handles witness traffic.

At the same time on the Witness node you would see only one vmkernel being used majority of the time. Here is what witness side output will look like

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Step 2: Ping the vSAN Witness appliance from each host in the vSAN cluster

Next, you should ping the IP address of the vSAN Witness appliance from each host in the vSAN cluster. This will verify that there is connectivity between the vSAN Witness appliance and each host. To ping the vSAN Witness appliance, open a command prompt on each host and run the following command:

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If the ping is successful, you should see a response from the vSAN Witness appliance. If the ping is unsuccessful, there may be a network connectivity issue.

Step 3: Ping each host in the vSAN cluster from the vSAN Witness appliance

Next, you should ping each host in the vSAN cluster from the vSAN Witness appliance. This will verify that there is connectivity between the vSAN Witness appliance and each host. To ping a host from the vSAN Witness appliance, connect to the vSAN Witness appliance using SSH and run the following command:

If the ping is successful, you should see a response from the host. If the ping is unsuccessful, there may be a network connectivity issue.

Step 4: Verify the vSAN network configuration

If the pings are unsuccessful, you should verify the vSAN network configuration. Make sure that each host is configured with the correct vSAN network settings, including the IP address range and subnet mask. Also, ensure that the vSAN network is configured correctly on each host and that there are no misconfigurations.

Step 5: Verify any firewall or routing configurations

If you are still experiencing network connectivity issues, you should verify any firewall or routing configurations that may be blocking traffic between the vSAN Witness appliance and the vSAN hosts. Ensure that any firewalls are configured to allow traffic on the appropriate ports and that any routing configurations are correct.

In conclusion, by following these steps, you can verify network connectivity between the vSAN Witness appliance and the vSAN hosts. This will help you identify and resolve any network connectivity issues that may be causing a partitioned vSAN Witness appliance.

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